pondělí 11. prosince 2017


We are a generation with nothing to be proud of. All of us born twenty or so years ago to what was supposed to be golden age, more than half century after the last huge war given the technology and means to make the difference and look at us. Instead of using them they use and own us, we are daily swallowed by smartphones, social networks, doubts, choices, diseases that were considered a weakness just a couple decades ago locked up from everything somewhere between fire and flames consumed by the urge of getting a degree, getting a job, getting a house, getting a mortgage, getting some money, working like dogs to go to a beach for a week and pretend like we´re living THE life but fuck no. Cage with golden bars as one of the greatest writers that ever walked on this planet would say. You knew it, Buk, this one´s for you from the bottom of my empty heart that is stuck here in the middle of England at 0:46 in the night smashing keyboard stoned out of my existence with some wine flowing in my blood to spice things up.