pátek 17. listopadu 2017

How (not) to live

When you are unemployed, well, unemployable more so, student you need few things to live right. You need your existential crisis, anxieties, depressions and doubts to put you into the right state of mind to begin with. After that by far the most important item is pot, to this you need to add garlic bread, flapjacks, onion rings (shit, I ran out of those), tobacco, a lot of movies to watch, classics, you know? Fear and loathing in Las Vegas, Trainspotting, Requiem for a Dream… Then you need papers and pen to write down your brilliant ideas when you reach the point when a simple high becomes spiritual experience and of course something to make them stick to the walls so you can be surrounded by them at all times. Then black tea to drink all day, every day some coffee to sip once in a while even though it´s cold as fuck, not a good word fucks are usually pretty hot but whatever, and sugar to make all of these sweet when life is bitter. And of course non-stop access to online porn. And tissues. That´s essential.

neděle 5. listopadu 2017

Alien in Derby

I should have started this earlier, like two or three months ago, I can´t remember how long I´ve been here. It is definitely more than six weeks or two rents, that much I am sure about. It´s actually not that long, is it? Yet, I have managed to learn a few things.